Transmissions from Somewhen

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Transmissions from the Bunker, 001

Day X. That’s not a ten, by the way, we’re not sure what day it is anymore. We’d been keeping track with hashmarks on the walls, but it turns out chalk doesn’t stick to kitchen tile all that well.

Every so often there’s a knocking at the door. Just a slow thump, two or three at a time. We’re pretty sure it’s not the neighbors as we’re in contact with most of their bunkers. It’s too loud to be a small animal and it seems unlikely any big ones would be wandering around this area, but who knows.

We take turns sitting by the porthole. Gazing at an empty world isn’t really encouraging but it’s a step up from slowly bumping your head against a wall. When it’s not raining or windy, there’s so little going on it’s almost like looking at a painting. Then a squirrel or something will scoot around, and if anything that just emphasizes the stillness of everything else. Like a squirrel happened across a background painting and mistook it for its habitat.

Does anyone know where all these dishes are coming from? Have we collided with a bubble universe that’s dishes all the way down, opening little tears in our kitchens for them to eke their way through? Will investigate and let you know any findings, please do the same.

We’re thinking about making a new game that involves tossing household objects around. Just picking them up and casually tossing them. Will keep you appraised about further objectives and rules. If we decide any are needed.

That’s it for now, will report in again soon. Keep yourself fed and don’t answer the knock.