Transmissions from Somewhen is an exploration of the mind that dwells in the past and the future, seeing how we can use our obsession with other times to improve the present.

Transmissions from the Bunker, 002

Transmissions from the Bunker, 002

Day 11,439. We have adopted the system of, in the words of Calvin, counting what it feels like.

A bird appears to have befriended us. We weren’t sure any had stuck around. It flies up to the porthole once or twice a day and sometimes deposits a small item. Buttons, paper scraps, bits of wire. Only manmade gifts. At first we thought it was making a nest, but the way they’re arranged on the little sill seems more presentational. And it sleeps somewhere else.

The knock is less frequent. We’ve tried knocking back on the inside of the door but we haven’t quite started a knockversation. No more insight about that.

Did everyone else get that weird transmission? Every screen flipping over to a shadowy, vaguely underwater-looking puppet performance? At least it looked like puppets. I couldn’t understand any of the dialogue and when it switched off we couldn’t find it again. Love to hear your theories.

Our picking up various objects and throwing them game has been keeping us entertained. Doesn’t have a name or additional rules yet, but we recommend it. Hours of fun.

Black Stories Matter: Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James

Black Stories Matter: Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James

Transmissions from the Bunker, 001

Transmissions from the Bunker, 001