Transmissions from Somewhen is an exploration of the mind that dwells in the past and the future, seeing how we can use our obsession with other times to improve the present.

New Short Story Out!

New Short Story Out!

You like grit and steel? Plots and murders? Sword fights and wisecracks? Then you’ll like my short story ‘The Corpse King,’ featured in Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, issue 85. Get it here!

This is what you’d call low fantasy. In that it takes place in a different world and matters are settled at swordpoint, but if there is magic, it’s subtle, found in the workings of chance, the tides of time, and the persuasion of the human mind and voice. Which, in a fun kind of paradoxical way, means that unlike in high fantasy, the magic in low fantasy is real.

And what have we here? A wry bunch of drifters trying to stay afloat and ending up in way over their heads? You’re gonna make me dizzy with all these dramatic style changes, Castleman.

Let's Play Marathon, pt 4 - Defend THIS!

Let's Play Marathon, pt 4 - Defend THIS!

Let's Play Marathon, pt 3 - Never Burn Money

Let's Play Marathon, pt 3 - Never Burn Money