Transmissions from Somewhen is an exploration of the mind that dwells in the past and the future, seeing how we can use our obsession with other times to improve the present.

Now Available: Attaché, a Pamphlet of Intrigue for Roleplaying

Now Available: Attaché, a Pamphlet of Intrigue for Roleplaying

I deal in a lot of storytelling forms. Tabletop roleplaying clawed its way to the throne early and has been thwacking pretenders aside with its +5 Axe of Hastily Improvised Name ever since. It’s an unruly syncretism of writing, design, improvisation, meta-commentary, and cooperative effort. It creates worlds and memories, and more than anything, moments. The moments of brilliance, hilarity and poignancy that result when a group of people tell a story together in this fashion have no comparison in any other medium.

But in spite of the fact that I’ve both written a lot of things in my life and created my own settings/adventures/characters for the vast majority of the games I’ve run, I’ve never even attempted to publish something I’d written for a game, until now. It’s a small step, and a small booklet, but I hope it’s going to be the start of a lot more, and a lot bigger, to come.

One of my favorite things about roleplaying games is that they are an environment to place and experiment with time honored narrative elements, tropes, and stock characters. You can wind up a favorite cliché and send it rattling into a living world, where it has the chance to bloom and blossom into something much more interesting, to fulfill a bigger potential and remind you of what made it a favored old tool in the first place.

So with that I present Attaché, written for the Mothership sci fi horror RPG but mostly compatible with any game. A stranger in a dark suit walks into your story bearing a black attaché case. This case has something wonderful and powerful, something that can dig you out of the predicament you’ve gotten yourself in. For a price. Interested?

Get the physical booklet Here! The pdf is for sale at DriveThruRPG!

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