Transmissions from Somewhen is an exploration of the mind that dwells in the past and the future, seeing how we can use our obsession with other times to improve the present.

New Story Out!

New Story Out!

Often your gauge of the quality and appeal of your own work doesn’t seem to line up with the rest of the world’s. I wrote this story a decade ago. In the intervening years I’ve written a bunch of stuff I frankly don’t think is nearly as good that’s been snapped up and published, while this little guy languished in head-scratching obscurity.

Not that British sci fi outlet Schlock Webzine is exactly non-obscurity, but in relative terms it’s suddenly been kicked out of its windowless hut into some daylight, and I’m really pleased that somebody other than me will finally read it.

I hope you enjoy my tale of asteroid miners and space snipers. RIGHT HERE, if you need a bigger shoutier link.

Let's Play Marathon, pt 10 - Blaspheme Quarantine

Let's Play Marathon, pt 10 - Blaspheme Quarantine

Rear Window

Rear Window