Transmissions from Somewhen is an exploration of the mind that dwells in the past and the future, seeing how we can use our obsession with other times to improve the present.

sweeping up the cottage

sweeping up the cottage

Going to renew my efforts to post here more often. The allure of minting an effortless snippet to Instagram et al and gathering instant eyes and reactions is feeling less worth it. Too much ground to cede, too many ads and scams rushing down at you like Space Invaders. And its owner is now a member of the lamest shadow cabal backing the shittiest loser authoritarian imaginable. This isn’t much, but it’s my little internet cottage and I can do what I want with it in peace. It’s just a few little notes from the rotting heart of a dying empire, but it’s something.

I gotta remind myself that a thought doesn’t have to be wildly impactful or even mildly important to be on here. It’s only a blog. A place for people to stop by and get an idea of what’s on my mind.

sigh… I am on Bluesky now though.

A Silly New Project Enters the World!

A Silly New Project Enters the World!

Let's Play Marathon, pt 12 - Shake Before Using

Let's Play Marathon, pt 12 - Shake Before Using